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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday ~ 2018 Wishlist

December 27th: 2018 Wishlist

--Looking forward into the new year, this is a list of the types of books you'd like to see more of in 2018! Try to avoid actual titles, and discuss themes, genres, or tropes you'd like to see more of in the new year!

1. Plus Size Main Characters... where the major plot point is NOT weight-loss and "character will only have HEA if thin"

That's self-explanatory, really, but there is still a real lack of stories about plus size characters who aren't obsessed with losing weight, who aren't bogged down with the cultural pressure regarding weight, and who just live their life! I think the stories about bullying, about all the pressure, is so very important, but I also think we need stories with plus-size characters where the plot point isn't that this character faces so much negativity or struggles to fit in. I want stories where the character's weight isn't a big deal, where they don't have to fight against so many struggles to find happiness, success, love, and self-love. I just want them to LIVE!

2. Bisexual & Nonbinary Characters/Stories

While we have seen a major uptake in books featuring gay and trans characters, there is still a lack of stories with bisexual and/or nonbinary characters. And like my desire for more positive plus-size representation, I want more books where the main focus isn't that these characters are queer and they just live like anyone else.

3. HEALTHY Queer Characters and Relationships in Manga & Anime

Soooo, this is a topic I could spend AGES talking about. I watched Yuri On Ice recently (and have rewatched it half a dozen times cos it's so freaking fantastic!!) and it really got me thinking... the vast majority of manga and anime that features or is about queer characters/relationships portray them HORRIBLY! Yaoi (gay) and Yuri (lesbian) both tend to portray these relationships as being any were between toxic and unhealthy to outright abusive! And the more mature it is, the worse it gets. And sadly, these things are accepted amongst fans, including rape. Rape in Yaoi is far, far too common and accepted. Meanwhile, manipulative relationships (and rape) in Yuri are just as acceptable.

And this is why I've always been on the outskirts of being a "Fujoshi" (a female who likes yaoi)... what little I had seen, read, or glimpsed always seemed so goddamned problematic to me! Other than outright abuse and rape, I saw couples where one always manipulated the other, where consent was questionable at best, and worse, where it included weird adult-underage dynamics.

All of this is why I love Yuri On Ice so much!! YOI fixed many of the problems I've always had with Yaoi. The relationship between Yuri and Victor (the MCs) is so HEALTHY, so loving and tender and best of all, they're both adults!! Yes, there are moments where the ambiguity of the dialogue and what happens in the scene can make it look more queer-baity (another common issue in Yaoi/Yuri) than openly gay, but most people watching know what's really going on... the love in their eyes, the touching, and the romance is easy to see for most. It's not perfect, but it's a HUGE step forward! YOI is the standard I want the majority of future yaoi/yuri to meet and even surpass!... positive and healthy portrayals of queer relationships and relationships! Real love and affection, not the toxic mess that has been produced so far.


4. School (High School and College) Centered

While there is still a plethora of stories featuring students, most of what I see in YA and New Adult is set during summer break or takes place entirely outside of the classroom during the school year. I kinda want more stories where we get to see more of the classroom and their lives as students.

5. Intellectual Characters and GEEKS!

Image result for geek silhouette
While it kinda turned me off at first, I grew to love the intelligence John Green gave his young characters. It may not be entirely realistic, but reading about teenagers who are able to communicate and work through their own mind and troubles is I think a much-needed break from the stereotype of vapid and selfish teens. And I def want to see more geeks and geek culture in YA and New Adult! It brings a certain fun and entertainment when the characters you read are just as fangirly about geek culture as you are! :D

What do YOU hope to see more of in 2018? Write your T5W down in the comments... I'd love to see them! And don't forget to join T5W group on Goodreads:

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