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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday ~ Books Before Booktube

Top 5 books, series, or authors I read before I discovered (or outside of) Booktube that are still among my favs.... and other platforms like Goodreads and Bookstagram!

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Yeahhhh, I wasn't really able to limit myself to 5. You should all know by now how much I struggle to meet maximums. Sooo... I have 5 Ya books/series, 5 Adult, and five honorable mentions of both!

JK Rowling's Harry Potter series

Tamora Pierce's entire book universes!
Pierce's books are broken down into two universes... Tortall and Emelan. 
the Song of the Lioness quartet is where I recommend starting the Tortall universe of books
(there is a prequel trilogy that takes place hundreds of years prior, but it's so far removed from the rest of the books you can read it later. I still haven't read them... I really need to get on that!)

and the Circle of Magic quartet is the beginning of the Emelan Universe
Meg Cabot's The Mediator series
Most people probably know Meg Cabot best for her Princess Diaries series... which I have read some of, but I much prefer her Mediator series! It's an awesome combination of paranormal, strong female protag, romance, and humor. LOVE IT! I've probably re-read the entire series at least three times!
It got a new book a couple years ago and I really hope there are more to come!

Amelia Atwater Rhodes universes of books
AAR's books are also divided into two universes... Den of Shadows (which is centered around vampires, witches, and hunters) and Kiesha'ra (which is centered around shapeshifters)

Alison Goodman's Eon & Eona duology

Ellen Schreiber's Vampire Kisses series

John Peel's The Secret of Dragonhome
which has recently been expanded into a series!

Mary E Pearson's Scribbler of Dreams

Lois Duncan books
my favorites include: 

Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series

Laurie R King's Mary Russell series

Kinley Macgregor's book universes
Brotherhood of the Sword/MacAllister Series

Sea Wolves series:

Lords of Avalon series: 
*yes, Kinley Macgregor is a pen-name for Sherrilyn Kenyon!*

John Saul's books
my favorites include:

Raven Hart's Savannah Vampires series

Amanda Ashley books... my favorites include:

VC Andrews
my favorites include: 

Visions of the Damned by Jacqueline Marten

Gabriel's Inferno trilogy by Sylvain Reynard
*I read the original fanfiction version!*

Sempre series by JM Darhower

*I read the original fanfiction version!*

The Portland Rebels Series by Rebecca Grace Allen

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